So, I’ve learned that busting up concrete with a sledge hammer and digging 2-foot holes with a manual posthole digger is not really that fun. Fulfilling, yes. Fun, no.

And the thought of doing that 13 more times (that’s the number of posts I need for the fence… I’d decided I was going to put the damn thing up myself, instead of waiting to get a reasonable estimate for installation) made me second-guess what the hell I’m doing here.

I am CHOOSING to do manual labor every day, y’all. Am I crazy? Maybe I should go back to New York and get a desk job like a normal person. Then again, most “normal” people are unhappy with their jobs/lives. But putting up a fence is hard work; it’s the kind of hard work you don’t want to make mistakes with. There is a reason people hire professionals to do this stuff. I stood there alone in my yard and looked at my property and all its glaring faults. Needless to say, I started feeling a bit overwhelmed.
I went home and made a TO-DO list. It is currently 2 pages long. Feel free to check it out. I feel that I should start with the priorities – fence, shed roof and door (workspace and storage), and wood siding. Originally, I thought these would be secondary (well, except for the fence for security), but I am realizing that I need security immediately and protection of the house for the long-term. If I don’t repair the wood siding, all the drywall work we did will be for naught. There are literally open holes in the exterior. That won’t do in a climate where rain is sometimes blown horizontally. Also, I need an enclosed shed - a secure place to work and store my tools that is outside the house. Finally, someone tried to steal my hot water heater or the copper pipes a few weeks ago.

I'm not sure what they were after, but this is what they did.
So I really need a secure wood fence.
Sometimes logic and reason have to win out over passion and sheer will. Not only will it take a LOT of physical labor and time to put up that fence by myself (or even with a few helpers), but I wouldn’t be sure about the fence’s structural integrity and security. I concluded that it made sense for me to hire this one out. So I found another company, Budget (ha!) Fence. I liked that the owner lives right around the corner. I liked his demeanor and that of his assistant. I liked that he arrived when he said he would. I did not like the $2499 estimate he gave me for the work. Budget, huh? So, I don’t know what I’m going to do about this fence situation, y’all. I decided to focus my efforts on the shed roof. Last week, I framed the open part of the roof so that I can attach the metal roofing sheets.

My first foray into carpentry!!!
In other news, I had more volunteers come to help!! Why didn’t I get THEM to help me with the fence, you ask. Well, this was in the last week of August. My home hadn’t yet been vandalized and I was still focused on finishing the drywall. A local organization called Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association (NENA) sent me a church group eager to make a dent in the effort to rebuild New Orleans. Boy, did they get a lot done in my house. Many hands make light work, y’all. It’s so true. We finished mudding the last room and a half; and sanded the walls and applied a second coat in the other rooms.

The UU's (Unitarian Universalists) sanding the walls. Go team!
I was so grateful to have them. And they ended up coming back a couple days later! More sanding and mudding. When this house is done, it will be filled with so much warmth and memories. A handmade house. So many people have given so much of themselves to it.

After a hard day's work, we still had energy for a photo shoot.
The following week, my friend Jared stopped by and lent a hand with the sanding. He just called one day and came over! It was a totally unexpected blessing. It's difficult for me to ask for help sometimes, so I'm glad he took it upon himself to offer.

Good to have some muscle!
On the neighborhood revitalization front, I’ve begun organizing neighbors to breathe new life into a neglected community garden that had fallen into disarray after the hurricane hit. A few entries ago, I spoke of acquiring a plot of land on my block and turning into a garden. But again, logic and reason won out after I spoke to Macon Fly from Parkway Partners (an organization that assists communities with creating and sustaining gardens). A garden will not tend itself; if people aren’t taking care of the existing one, what will happen with a new garden? I decided to start with rehabbing the existing one. If there is enough interest, perhaps it’s feasible to create another. I organized a group of Holy Cross residents and supporters to come out (yesterday) and clear out the overgrown weeds. You can actually see the ground now!!! I’ll attach a couple pics.

Dedicated neighbors hacking through the jungle that was the Laurentine Ernst Community Garden

Look what we accomplished!!! You can actually see the ground now!
We all have a hard time asking for and willingly receiving help...but it is so necessary for our existence as human beings. Sometimes I wonder why I work for myself too (rarely..:-) and then I remember that I'm doing it because I love doing it and the money arrives when its necessary.
You are clearly not only rebuilding your're rebuilding a community. Do y'all need some seeds for your garden?? Let me know and I'll pick some up from Home Depot and mail them to you.
maybe i missed something. is the fence finished? i paid around $1600 for my fence, i think, but prices are inflated in post-levee break new orleans b/c of demand for supplies/labor, etc.
Jenga you are a firecracker. i'm glad you realized your limitations with the fence. Did you go up on the roof and put up those slats? WOW! and on the garden front, go you. I never realized it but one of the biggest community gardens in brooklyn is on bergen on the other side of nostrand. ua and i have volunteered there. it is powered by one really dedicated gardener. amazing what a difference one of you firecrackers can make! go you!
That's awesome that Jared called you up to help and those volunteers! I do not know when I am coming down next but I will have to plan it around being a volunteer and getting a baby sitter. :) You are amazing Jenga. You are absolutely amazing.
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